Day 27 (Sun)

During the long trip home I was able to do 20 more minutes of exercise in the vehicle, but was left very short of my 100 minute goal. I had a banana with my breakfast and water on the road. I also had lettuce on my excellent pork tacos which may or may not be considered another leafy green. By 11:30pm, I was finally home (after starting out the day driving at 9:20 am) and was reluctant to do any more exercise.

As the week ended I finished one of my challenges which was to maintain a food diary and by doing so I was able to locate a few pitfalls in my diet and a few food alternatives I could choose over things I currently eat. I hope to continue to explore this and secure a healthy eating pattern in my life.

My leafy green total for the week (pending approval):

- Mixed Lettuce Salad
- Spinach Egg rolls

-Spinach ragoons
-Caesar Salad

-Seaweed Wrap


Day 26 (Sat.)

With an early start, we headed out to the city of Athens. We had lunch at a nice little eatery where I enjoyed some of the local coleslaw, seasoned a bit different than I usually have it (with sweet pickle juice instead of mayo). We walked considerably, even through the rain and wind, and then traveled to another location where we had some delicious sushi, and I will leave it up to Le Chef to decide if the seaweed wrapped around sushi is considered a leafy green ;p Through our travels, I was able to drink 2 glasses water, and in the evening I was able to take some time doing sit ups, crunches and push ups.

Day 25 (Friday)

Today began with a 4 hour work shift then a whole lot of driving and riding. I did not eat any fruits or vegetables (although they were readily available on my trip), I did though, choose to eat whole wheat pancakes as part of my dinner, and I had water with dinner and a little on my trip totaling 2 glasses for the day.

One of my challenges this week was to get exercise while traveling, to find innovative ways to be active while otherwise occupied. On Friday I only did 5 minutes of my required 100 minutes, so my return trip on Sunday will have to entail 55 minutes. I'm not sure what all I'll do, a combination of lifting "weights", stretches, leg lifts and if possible maybe spread out in the back of the carriage for crunches/sit ups. As long as none of it is too distracting for the carriage driver. ;)

Day 24 (Thursday)

I had a meeting first thing in the morning and didn't have time to pack lunch so I chose a fast option while on the road. Not the best choice, but sometimes it's inevitable. I had a better evening with food, having yogurt in the afternoon and then cheese, bread and pear in addition to my late dinner of an organic bean and cheese burrito. And after dinner when I was still feeling like eatting, I chose baby carrots over chips. I had at least 1 glass of water during the duration of the day but I'm still drinking more fizzy ale than I should be. I also got a chance to do 15 minutes of dance along with a new game system I just recently received (Thank you Biirna).

Day 22 and 23 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

On Tuesday I was able to eat both spinach ragoons and caesar salad to make my leafy greens count up to four. I spent the day working and then did some shopping in the evening with Biirna and Zilya. I'm finding that while I'm at home I can be quick to get up and get active, when visiting others I'm more likely to just veg on the couch. Perhaps this is something that can be looked into. The following day was much more active for me.

I spent the morning helping Biirna and then spent the evening doing a considerable amount of dancing with Zilya (1.5 hrs). Nelo made an appearance at the event and wowed everyone with his mad rap skillz, Calamitus declined to show. Unfortunately it was a semi-bad food day for me. While I did have some fruit in the evening and a home cooked meal (thank you Biirna), my calories for the day were through the roof.

I'm considering putting up two posters in my kitchen one of the food pyramid and one showing serving sizes. I also want to try to eat a fruit everyday with breakfast and a fruit every night before dinner.

Inspirational Message

While Drow aren't fond of the arts, Gnomes love music and drawing and especially humor. I've crafted this to inspire my fellow commrades.

Day 21 (Mon)

Today was a good vegetable day. I had a mixed lettuce (romaine and spinach) salad for lunch and for dinner I had leftover spinach eggrolls and a side of squash. I had one glass of water but didn't get around to doing much physical activity.

With the upcoming events forcing me to abandon my home for several days this week, I scrambled to make some food for lunches that I would have made for dinners. In the late hours of the evening, I cooked up 3-4 cups of spinach and then mixed that with a stick of cream cheese and a half cup of green onion. I seasoned the spinach with pepper and salt and then added garlic powder to the mixture. I then wrapped a spoonful of the mixture in a wonton wrapper and cooked each in a warm skillet. I hope they reheat well for Tuesday's lunch, but we'll see.

Day 19/20 (Sat and Sun)

On Saturday I met up with Biirna and Zilya for more walking. We had a good lunch of meats, cheeses, breads and fruits.

On Sunday I doubled my efforts, having a pear with my lunch and an apple with my dinner. I also made a vegetarian meal (veggie eggrolls) and had a side of squash. I only had one glass of water but I did stretch for 15 in the morning and I biked for 20 minutes while watching TV.

By Sunday I had completed two of my three personal challenges, I had two days this week with only water and milk and I had completed the task of compiling activities anyone can do to add more excercise to their day.

Day 18 (Friday)

Today was a good health day. I started the day with an apple and I took a 15 minute walk on my lunch break. At home I made dinner (rice, tuna, squash and pineapple) and created a cool, albeit time consuming, way to prepare squash. I sliced off the outside of an acorn squash and scooped out the inside and then took the orange "meat" and cut it into 1-2 inch strips and put them on an oiled cookie sheet and cooked them at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes (turning over half way). When they came out they were warm and slightly crisp and had a sweet enough flavor that I didn't have to season them at all. I cooked mine a little too long, it's definitely something you have to watch closely so they don't over cook.

After dinner I biked for 20 minutes while watching a movie. I also spent 10 minutes doing basic exercises like crunches, sit ups, jumping jacks and squats. By the end of the night I had successfully finished my second day of only water and milk this week.

Day 17 (Thursday)

I didn't do a whole lot today health wise, but I did get started on one of my weekly challenges by practicing martial arts for 20 minutes. I also drank 1 glass of water after my exercise and made a point to stretch before and after working out.

I've been hearing a lot about people recording what they eat so they can get a better sense of what they're putting in their bodies and get a handle on "mindless" eatting. I'm considering it. I don't want to become a vicious ruler over my food but I also don't want to not be serious about being healthy and just pretend that being active is enough.

Day 16 (Wednesday)

While I was successful in not drinking fizzy ale nor juice (just water and milk), I did not do much else health focused today. I think I will try to do my second day of just water and milk on Friday, but if I don't succeede, I'll have two more days this week to complete that challenge. While I'm busy from 9am-10pm tomorrow, I'm aiming to work on more exercise over the weekend to make up for the days I've been inactive. Maybe I'll take a break on Thursday during work and take a walk around the neighborhood just to get my body moving.

Day 15 (Tuesday)

After the weekend's activity (feeling exhausted) and my own adjusted work schedule this week (feeling like I have no time), I had to force myself to get focused on health. Today I spent 20 minutes dancing to music while cleaning in the kitchen/making lunch and I forced myself to eat an apple as an afternoon snack. I also had 2 glasses of water and I made dinner which included a serving of peas. I'm working steadily on some of my challenges and looking forward to trying to do a no fizzy ale day tomorrow.

Day 12 and 13

After a few days of rest and nothing notable to record, I spent quite a few hours on Saturday shopping with Biirna and Zilya this entailed a lot of walking. When we returned home after a long day, I cooked up some parmesan risotto cakes with broccoli for everyone to enjoy.

On Sunday, we completed our first group challenge, walking for an hour and attempting specific challenges (the precarious wall scaling, the stair climb and sprinting) to obtain skills and equipment. I was successful in our three specific challenges and completed the entirety of the walking tour. I considered going home and working on some work for Mage Mentis but the promise of swimming got me out of the house again and I spent 20 minutes on an interesting bike machine, spent about 15 working weight machines and free weights with Biirna, I also hit around a volleyball with Biirna for a bit and then we took to the pool. I only did a couple of laps but it was relatively enjoyable. Apparently this was a place that many families enjoyed and that meant lots of children splashing my face.

Day Nine

I was able to sleep in late today so lunch was my first meal of the day. I made a broccoli and cheese omelet which was interesting, to say the least. I had a glass of water with lunch and then a productive day of vacuuming (15 minutes), cat play (10 minutes) biking while watching TV (20 minutes), stretching and working on some basic exercises like sit ups, crunches, push ups and leg lifts (10 minutes). For dinner I had Broccoli and cheesy rice leftovers. While I successfully didn't consume fizzy ale, as Biirna calls it, I did drink a lot of juice today.

Day Eight

Started this morning with a bowl of pineapple. I finished the preparations for a large vat of soup I made for the others working in the library. It was vegetable soup with alphabet noodles. I made sure that it was vegetarian because a fellow worker is vegetarian. I ate two bowls of this soup at lunch, which I attribute as a serving of vegetables. I was relieved of my duties early and while I wanted to return to my quarters and take a nap a quick chat with Biirna reminded me that sometimes exercise is the best way to re-energize. So I changed my gear, and took a walk (with music) around the area. I came across an interesting track which I thought would be good to walk but after finding the snow to be several inches deep, I regretted my decision but the only way back was to finish the course, so I waded through the heavy mess. After thirty minutes I returned home from my adventure whereupon I made a delicious broccoli and rice casserole without the use of salt! I had a glass of water with my dinner and finished the night working on some tasks for Mage Mentis.

Day Seven

Started the day with some melon which was delicious. I had a long day filled with various activities but only got in some exercise in the evening. I biked for 20 minutes while talking to Zilya, did some stretching and had carrots with my dinner. I only had one glass of water today but that's better than no water.

I spent time on one of my personal challenges this week which was to locate five vegetarian recipes. I gathered five meals recipes and two side dishes that I hope to try in the near future. I find that it is often hard making meals at home because the leftovers are so abundant that I end up wasting food that I don't eat within a few weeks. I'm hoping to adjust these recipes to one or two servings instead of the usual four to eight. We'll see if I'm successful.

Day Six

I made breakfast again this morning, still eggs and bacon but homemade none the less. I consumed two glasses of water, one before working in the library and one after. I had fruit when I got done with my work, and since I found myself in the kitchen eatting, I also cleaned up and danced to 15 minutes of music. I made a point to do some stretching, since I was told this was important. While I was waiting for my food to cook in the oven, I did some weight lifting and with dinner I had a serving of corn. I think I did well today but I also feel like I could have done better...

Day Five

I got up late today, but I was able to make myself breakfast. Eggs and bacon aren't necessarily the healthiest, and bacon isn't vegetarian, but I did make it myself and Le Chef says that's an essential start to eatting healthy. I make food occassionally, but it tends to be heating up already made frozen foods which aren't the healthiest, so when I cook something myself, adding the ingredients and determining the contents, I can ensure that is't healthier and better for me. So while eggs and bacon aren't the healthiest, I did make them myself. With breakfast I had one glass of water before rushing out the door to help Headmaster Quo sort through the old texts in the basement library of the school. This work was a bit tedious and at times annoying as locals wanted help obtainin texts from the library, but I was able to sneak away for a couple of moments and look up some recipes to share with students and Le Chef. Hours later, I met up with Biirna for a delightful meal. I had fish and a glass of water (along with other sweet spirits). I was too tired by the time I returned home to do any activity, but I plan on doing more tomorrow to make up for it.

Day Four

Le Chef's influence on me is getting greater by each passing day. I had fruit with breakfast, a vegetable with dinner and two glasses of water today. I also was able to get 15 minutes of dancing in (with music). At the end of the day I get down on myself for not doing more, but that's not very productive.

I was also able to meet today with the illusive Agustus Storm. His shop is not open yet, but he was keen on telling me how amazing he and his wares are. He really did talk for a while, when I think: Where did all my time go today? I suspect he absorbed quite a bit of it with his fancy tales and boisterous claims.

I want to start working on the basic badges, as they seem easier to incorporate in my day, but alas, it's still hard finding time for even the simplest of things.

Day Three

Spent the day with Le Chef, helping her unpack her books and set up her kitchen and classroom. I'm still doing well in making changes to my diet. I had fruit with my breakfast and I drank two glasses of water with my dinner. I also spent 20 minutes dancing to some tunes while washing dishes. I want to make more time to get in more activity, but I'm not sure where to start. Feels like I have to cut something out, but I wish I could find more balance instead of just dropping things I want to do.

The people here are strange. This Zilya creature kept sneaking into the kitchen looking for meat while Le Chef and I were working. She thinks no one sees her snatch beef jerky and put it in her pocket, but I see. I guess that her thievery might come in handy later though, I'm going to keep my eyes on her...

Day Two

I'm intrigued by the skills and challenges set before us, but having difficulty combining these tasks with my busy magic training. Who knew time management would be my worst skill? I was able to perfect my agility with 15 minutes of dance (with music!) and I biked for 20 minutes while watching an interesting play called ANTM. In addition to working on movement I also was contentious enough to eat carrots with my lunch and peas with my dinner. Usually I forget about vegetables but an interesting lecture with Skill Master suggested that these will help both my body and my mind to become stronger.