Day 12 and 13

After a few days of rest and nothing notable to record, I spent quite a few hours on Saturday shopping with Biirna and Zilya this entailed a lot of walking. When we returned home after a long day, I cooked up some parmesan risotto cakes with broccoli for everyone to enjoy.

On Sunday, we completed our first group challenge, walking for an hour and attempting specific challenges (the precarious wall scaling, the stair climb and sprinting) to obtain skills and equipment. I was successful in our three specific challenges and completed the entirety of the walking tour. I considered going home and working on some work for Mage Mentis but the promise of swimming got me out of the house again and I spent 20 minutes on an interesting bike machine, spent about 15 working weight machines and free weights with Biirna, I also hit around a volleyball with Biirna for a bit and then we took to the pool. I only did a couple of laps but it was relatively enjoyable. Apparently this was a place that many families enjoyed and that meant lots of children splashing my face.


  1. Visiting Gym with you was most delightful!

  2. Children are detestation in public venue, and should be prohibited!
